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Welcome to ALL-EN One Elder Planning!

Elder care planning can protect you and your loved ones. As we begin to deal with aging parents and spouses, we soon realize how challenging and time consuming it is to navigate the system in order to protect those loved ones and their assets.

ALL-EN One Elder Planning’s goal is to help families preserve and protect as much of their assets as legally possible against the rising cost of nursing home and long term care expenses and to help you present MEDICAID with a complete and accurate application.

Top Reasons for MEDICAID Denial
  • Failure to understand State of Michigan rules and regulations and how to make them work for the applicant. 
  • Improper transfer of assets (e.g. bank accounts, properties and vehicle).
  • Not adhering to proper guidelines when dealing with assets.
  • Providing more information then is required.
  • Not providing enough information.
  • Even one question answered incorrectly on a MEDICAID application can delay benefits or result in a denial.
Here's How ALL-EN One Elder Planning Can Help

Because of our extensive experience and special expertise with MEDICAID, we can analyze a family’s financial situation and make recommendations for managing assets in such a way as to qualify for MEDICAID. Strategic pre-planning is important and is rewarded with a peace of mind! You do not want to make decisions when emotions are involved and the situation has reached a crisis stage.

In addition, we act as a liaison with one of the top elder law firms in Michigan for those times when more extensive legal advice or estate planning is needed. (See link below to Attorney Don Rosenberg)

Judy Allen and ALL-EN One Elder Planning, L.L.C. is not an attorney, is not licensed to practice law in any state, and is not permitted and will not provide legal advice.
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